
How to be smart ... 5 easy tips

How to be smart ... 5 easy tips: Smartness is more success in less effort, become smart with just a few changes.
 5 Smart Tips to Work Smart Would you like to do more and better work in less time? this is the way

1) Always have strategic (strategic) thinking
 in fact, even though smart people show themselves to be simple, normal and a little careless towards something, in reality their thinking is deep, strategic. To be smart it is very important to always have 'strategic thinking'. Before doing any work, first of all the question should come in the mind whether this work should be done or not. A person who works only on 'Information' knows that it is going to rain yet he does not carry an 'Umbrella', a person with 'Knowledge' will carry an 'Umbrella' but a 'Smart' person if If 'tala' can be avoided, he will sit at home and eat bhajiya. If you make a habit of thinking before doing any work, you will find that eight out of ten things are not worth doing. That means smart people do any work impulsively.

Set priority 'Smart' people collect the tasks to be done on the basis of 'priority'. They do any work neither 'early' nor 'late' but at the right time. It is not easy to do this, it takes a lot of confidence to do this. In offices, such individuals will never be seen overloaded, working longer hours, meaning they have time for all aspects of life, such as socializing, family, recreation, etc., making them a more 'satisfied' and 'successful'. able to live life.

3) Choose the Right Way to Work 
 When 'smart' people start working they know they are going to spend invaluable time of their life in it so they choose the best way to work according to their conditions. They do not start doing any work 'mechanically' without thinking. At the same time, they learn while doing work, and bring necessary changes in their work. As Abraham Lincoln said 'If someone gives me 6 hours to chop down a tree, I will spend the first 4 hours sharpening the axe. Always keep an eye on your 'effort' and 'result'. See how more 'results' can be achieved with less 'effort'.

4) Don't be in a hurry,
 the devil's work is in a hurry. Smart people do not hurry in doing any work. They put on Edward de Bono's 'Six Thinking Hats' before getting down to business. Blue Hat - looking at the problem with completeness, White Hat - thinking on the available information related to the problem, Red Hat - 'emotions and feelings related to the problem', Black Hat - Negative, i.e. what could go wrong by doing the task. Yellow Hat – positive, i.e. what good can be done by solving the problem and Green Hat – what are the 'new ways' of doing that work.

5) Stay updated
Smart people keep themselves updated with the changes and developments happening in the world. To stay updated, read newspapers, magazines, listen to news, talk to people, listen to their experiences, visit new places. Read books related to different fields like politics, sports world, science, geography. Listen to 'Audiobooks' and watch 'Web Series' based on good real events. I hope my suggestions will be useful for you. Today's career funda is that 'smartness' is the name of doing any work properly with patience-serious, strategic thinking, make your life happy by adopting it.

So we hope you will apply this tips to become a smart 🤓
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